I have decide that this specific post deserves to be in 2 languages, English and Russian due to the effort I had put into making the actual reason for the post and the tastiness of the outcome.
Ramadan is at the door (actually, it has already started in most countries) and I could not help cooking the most traditional Moroccan cookie - Shebakia. It's a sesame cookie, coated in honey, crunchy, chewy and very exotic! In two words - it's quite one of a kind. Here I must warn you in case you are rushing Google for the recipe (which by the way are ample out there) - it's NOT an easy and quick thing to make. Above all, it requires crafty hands and patience.
Honestly, I have NO idea how I had managed the task successfully, given my natural lack of both mentioned virtues. But this is the good news for you - you CAN do it, too!
I will not bore you with a very detailed step-by-step cooking process, so, I skip the dough mixing stage and jump straight to the fun part.
This is what I started with (well, almost):
This is the minimum requirement, easily achievable:
This is how you begin shaping the Shebakia:
Don't ask me to explain how exactly the cookie gains its lovely flower shape, but this is the result you are striving for:
And then again, and again, and many more times over again:
A close-up: 
Then you fry the to-be cookies in oil:
When they become lovely deep golden color - dip them in hot honey (yes, I know, A LOT of honey and A LOT of oil - but trust me - TOTALLY worth it!):
Taram! Please welcome - Shebakia,
the ultimate Moroccan sesame cookie!
P.S. Recipes: the wonderful and WORKING (I tried) recipes are here: http://cookingwithalia.com/index.php?option=com_zoo&task=item&item_id=185&Itemid=110
(yields about 35 cookies)
and here: http://moroccanfood.about.com/od/tipsandtechniques/ss/How_to_make_Chebakia.htm - please mind the amounts as this recipe yield about 4 pounds of cookies!